Research equipment
- Bruker Biospin Elexsys II E540EPR spectrometer equipped with; two microwave bridges for X- (9.5GHz) and L-band (1.2GHz), imaging gradient unit, two resonators for X-band and three resonators for L-band. Accessories for measuring at liquid N2 (100-350K) and liquid He (4-100K).
- Bruker Aspect 3000 NMR spectrometer 400MHz.
- Siemens 3T MRI.
- Thermo Scientific UV-Vis Spectrophotometer Evolution 220.
- Thermo Scientific DXR Raman Microscope.
- Thermo Scientific Evolution Nicolet iS20 FTIR spectrophotometer
- Thermo Scientific Evolution 200 UV-VIS spectrophotometer
- Cary-eclipse-fluorescence-spectrophotometer-agilent
- Malver Ninosizer/Zetasizer Advance DLS
- CEM Discover Microwave reactor.
- Applied Photophysics Stopped-flow connected to Agilent 8453 UV-Vis spectrophotometer.
- Wayne Kerr alternating current bridge for the measurement of electrical conductivity.
- PAR 273A potentiostat/galvanostat with a lock-in amplifier for impedance measurements.
- GAMRY AIR PC-740 potentiostat/galvanostat.
- GAMRY PCI4-750 potentiostat/galvanostat.
- Multiprocessor 3XAMD (12-core Opteron) computer workstation.
- HP-Ge detector for gamma-ray spectrometry, Canberra Series 35plus.
EPR spectrometry/imaging system
Bruker Biospin Elexsys II E540 top class EPR spectrometer and imaging instrument with two microwave bridges for X- band (9.5GHz) and L-band (1.2GHz) measurements.
This EPR device has a full package for in vitro and in vivo studies which could fulfill any experimental requirements.
Samples can be saturated with any gas or combination of gases and recorded at temperature between 4K and 350K.
This EPR device can also perform spectral/spatial imaging(1D, 2D, 3D) measurements of any solid or liquid sample ex vivo or in vitro, as well as in vivo imaging of live animals or plants.
ER 4123D resonator (X-band)
This Dielectric Room Temperature Resonator is used for spin labeling and spin probing measurements for CW-EPR at room temperature. It is dedicated to aqueous solution of small quantity (3 -20 ul sample volume) for aqueous solutions including 2 TPX tubes for oxygen purging. It has optical window, transparent form UV to IR, so samples can be irradiated with EM radiation during experiment.
ER 4123SHQE resonator (X-band)
The new Bruker Super High QE (SHQE) cavity resonator combines a super high Q (Q >25000) with a large filling factor and large modulation coils. Combined with a specially tuned low noise Gunn source bridge, and the SignalMaster, the SHQE provides the ultimate in sensitivity. Using this resonator, we can record nanomolar concentrations of EPR active specimens. The cavity provides outstanding performance with powder, single crystal and aqueous samples (up to 30 ul). This resonator is also equipped with optical window and can be used for low temperature measurements (up to 4K) and solid samples imaging measurements.
ER 540R23 resonator (L-band)
This L-band resonator with 23mm sample access is suitable for spectroscopy and imaging measurements of live animals (e.g. mouse head), small plants, seeds, or ex vivo measurements of animal or plant tissue samples. The Electronic Matching Control Unit and protection sleeve compensates slow-moving of recorded subjects (e.g. mouse breathing during measurements). The resolution of the image (1D, 2D, 3D) goes up to 0.06mm. During live animals recordings, the animals could be thermostated using specially designed animal bed and blanket connected to the temperature control unit. This way, the temperature of animals stays constant even they are anesthetized.
ER540R36 resonator (L-band)
This L-band resonator with 36mm sample access is suitable for spectroscopy and imaging measurements of live animals (e.g. mouse body and rat head), plants, or ex vivo measurements of animal or plant tissue samples of greater volume. The Electronic Matching Control Unit and protection sleeve compensates slow-moving of recorded subjects (e.g. rat breathing during measurements). The resolution of the image (1D, 2D, 3D) goes up to 0.06mm. During live animals recordings, the animals could be thermostated using specially designed animal bed and blanket connected to the temperature control unit. This way, the temperature of animals stays constant even they are anesthetized.
E 540SC resonator (L-band)
This L-band resonator is also called Surface Coil Resonator. It is suitable for spectroscopy measurements of large and more watery subjects (in vivo or ex vivo). Electronic tuning and matching control enables fast recording of various types of EPR active samples. This probe is perfect for detecting free radicals in skin (also of human subjects), in organs of small animals above which this Surface Coil is placed or in plants. This resonator is the universal spectroscopic tool for L-band and virtually there are no restrictions on its use.
ER 4141VT (The Digital Temperature Control System)
This system makes use of liquid or gaseous nitrogen as coolant. The accessible temperature range is 100 K to 500 K.
The base system consists of the following parts:
– Quartz Dewar
– ER 169DIS Dewar Insert Holder
– Digital Temperature and Gas Flow Control Unit
– Thermocouple
– Metal Transferline
– 25 L storage dewar
– Nitrogen Evaporator Heater Assembly
With the dewar insert holder, the dewar is mounted to an X-Band waveguide-type cavity. The sample is inserted into the quartz dewar. Sample exchange at any temperature is a standard feature of this system. The digital control unit monitors and controls the temperature measured with the thermocouple close to sample‘s position. The target temperature is reached and stabilized via PID temperature control (proportional, integral and derivative). The control unit is fully remote controlable.
ER 4112HV (The low temperature control system)
This system makes use of liquid helium as coolant. The accessible temperature range is 3.8 K to 300 K.
The system consists of the following parts:
– Continuous Flow Liquid Helium Cryostat with 10 mm o.d.
– Quartz Dewar
– Sample Holder
– Digital Helium Control Unit
– Liquid Helium Flow Controller
– Helium Transfer Line
– Helium Pump
– Tubing Clamps for attaching the cryostat to the magnet
Sample exchange at any temperature is a standard feature of this system. The digital helium control unit monitors and controls the temperature measured with a thermosensor close to sample‘s position. It features PID temperature control. The control unit is fully remote controlable.
Bruker Aspect 3000 NMR spectrometer 400MHz
Siemens 3T MRI
Cell cultures lab
Spectrometry lab
Thermo Scientific UV-Vis Spectrophotometer Evolution 220 & DXR Raman Microscope
Thermo Scientific Evolution Nicolet iS20 FTIR spectrophotometer
Thermo Scientific Evolution 200 UV-VIS spectrophotometer
Liposomes synthesis lab
Malver Ninosizer/Zetasizer Advance DLS
Extraction lab
SuperEX F-500 Supercritical CO2 extractor